JOYFUL, JOYFUL, We adore thee…
YOU are invited and encouraged to participate!
PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR VIDEOS BY MONDAY, MARCH 29, 2021 to Lea Gilmore, lea@govanspres.org
One of the greatest joys of Easter is that it gives us the ability to be joyful despite the fact that our lives may be immersed in difficulties.
Hello! My name is Lea Gilmore. I am the First Service Music Director here at Govans Presbyterian Church. We invite you to join us in singing:
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee!
Music, Ludvig Van Beethoven
Words, Henry J. Van Dyke
A huge thank you to Second Service Music Director, Mary Hamlin-Spencer, who has provided the organ accompaniment; and to our Vocal Quartet: Jocelyn Taylor (Soprano), Kathy Fleming (Alto), Darrius Pugh (Tenor) and Corbin Phillips (Bass) for providing the vocal tracks for recording. We also thank Bill Spencer (Mary’s husband) for his phrase entrance assistance and for his direction for cutoffs at the end of phrases.
Ready to join?
Yes, I/we are in!
How do we do this Lea?
I am glad you asked!
***Song Format – Please Read Carefully***
There are three verses to the song. You will sing the following:
- Verse one – Unison (this means you will sing the melody)
- Verse two – SATB ( you will sing the soprano, alto, tenor or bass)
- Verse three – Unison
So you will sing harmonies (SATB) ONLY ON THE SECOND VERSE
Note: Feel free to sing the melody along with the soprano for the entire song.
When you are following the recording, it will be clear, as each singer is singing the above format.
For those not familiar:
S – Soprano (usually higher woman’s voice)
A – Alto ( usually lower woman’s voice)
T – Tenor (usually male higher voice)
B – Bass (usually male lower voice
Please note: these voice parts are not gender exclusive; sing where you are most comfortable.
Unison – Sing the melody
If you know your “voice, “ choose the video below to sing with. If you are not sure, listen to the tracks and sing where you are most comfortable, making sure not to strain.
Practice Tracks
Here are the practice track videos that you will be singing with for our recording:
You will hear your chosen singing (voice) part clearly raised above the organ accompaniment.
You will first hear an introduction (before you begin singing) of the entire song on the organ; next, you will hear a count to bring you in to sing each verse.
You will be singing along with your chosen voice track in order to maintain timing. You will hear a count before the first verse to prepare you to begin singing. In between the verses, you will hear “four, five, six”, to prepare you to come in for the next verse.
Please do not audibly count along with Bill (Mary’s husband), who is doing the counting!
Ready to Record?
Make sure that you rehearse several times until comfortable with the song and your chosen voice part.
Once you’re comfortable with your part, you will need to use two devices to record:
- One device that can video record you singing along (like your phone, laptop, etc.)
- A second device to listen to your chosen track while you record yourself singing. You MUST use headphones/earbuds. This ensures the original master track recording won’t be picked up on your recording. We just want to make sure (again) that the actual recording doesn’t leak through to your recording IF YOU DON’T have two devices, make sure the video is playing as low as possible and is still audible for you to sing along with (not recommended).
Other tips:
- Make sure you position your device so you get the best possible sound. This means not standing too close and not having the device in your hand.
- Make sure you’re in a quiet spot to eliminate background noise.
- You should be well lit.
- For the video background, it is optimal to be in front of a neutral, solid wall or the like, and not a window when the sun is shining.
- Make sure you look energized and engaged. Smile! Let your face and voice convey the joy of these inspirational words and the season!
This is all much more simple and fun than all of these words convey. 🙂
How do I submit my recording?
You can send/email directly from your cell phone or chosen recording device. If you run into “capacity” issues, you can send through Google Drive, Drop Box, or We Transfer. www.wetransfer.com. We Transfer has an exceptionally simple interface that allows you to send large files for free via the web.
Email your recordings to me, lea@govanspres.org, when prompted. If you run into any issues, please email me. If you would like to text, please email me for my mobile number.
I welcome questions or comments.
Join me in thanking our brilliant tech consultant, Abby Madden, who will be making the final musical magic happen!
PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR VIDEOS BY MONDAY, MARCH 29, 2021 to Lea Gilmore, lea@govanspres.org
Again, I highly recommend using WE TRANSFER to submit your videos.