Spiritual directors Therese Taylor-Stinson and Lisa Beacham join Pastors Tom and Billy for a conversation about spiritual direction (what is it, exactly?) and how we can each find our connection to the Divine and our callings as humans. We discuss Ephesians 4: 11-17 and the intersections of spiritual direction and racial identity, as well. Listen to the episode online, click below!
Therese Taylor-Stinson is a writer, spiritual director, ordained deacon, and ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church (USA). A graduate of the Shalem Institute and a member of the Shalem Society for Contemplative Leadership, she is also the Founding Managing Member of the Spiritual Directors of Color Network, Ltd. Taylor-Stinson is the editor of the award-winning books Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around and Embodied Spirits: Stories of Spiritual Directors of Color. Her latest book Walking the Way of Harriet Tubman: Public Mystic and Freedom Fighter will be published later this year. Therese lives her life as a contemplative, and enjoys the natural world and the people and projects that are drawn to her as gifts. She and her husband live in Silver Spring, Maryland.
Lisa Beacham is a coach, spiritual director, and retreat leader. She brings experience from the corporate world, community-based non-profits, and work as a consultant all to her current ministry of spiritual direction and coaching.
Believe in Baltimore is a podcast conversation with community leaders and change-makers in Baltimore, Maryland, hosted by Govans Presbyterian Church. In each episode, we welcome a local leader to share about their work in Charm City, as well as their hopes and dreams for our community.