Email Lea Gilmore (lea@govanspres.org) for the more info and for the Zoom link.
A friend of Music Mondays, Tim brings his boundless energy and musical gifts to us one more. Tim was born in New York City and grew up singing with his twin sister Kathy while doing dishes in the early 60’s. They grew up on Motown and the Everly Brothers and loved to harmonize. Tim later spent 4 years in a Catholic minor seminary and was part of a traveling band of seminarians going from parish to parish teaching the new “Folk” Mass. He came to Baltimore in 1975 with VISTA and worked out of the chaplain’s office at Johns Hopkins with Dr. Chet Wickwire, a mainstay of the civil rights movement in Baltimore and a mentor/friend or Lea Gilmore, setting up and running tutorial programs in Inner City Baltimore. Tim then went to law school and just recently retired after over 39 years as a Public Defender. He taught Law and Society, a class on the sociology of law at Goucher for 20 years. He has been involved with Common Ground on the Hill as a current board member and past president. He performs with The Rambles, and performs music to drink to. Tim and his beautiful wife Karen have been active participants in Lea Gilmore’s B’more Community Sing since the very first event.