The week between Palm Sunday and Easter is special in the church year. In our church this year, it will be marked with a service on Thursday at 7:00 p.m., with a simple meal of soup and a bread at 5:30. Eating together this evening honors the community life that Jesus celebrates with his disciples, known as The Last Supper. Here at Govans, we will eat together before worshiping in the sanctuary. The service will be one of prayer, scripture, and song. We will hear the entirety of the passion narrative from Jesus at the table, his prayers in the garden, his betrayal, arrest, trial, and execution. We invite you into this important narrative to reflect on Jesus’ life and our own. So when we declare on Easter morning that “He is Risen!” we do so having experienced the weeping before the joy, making our declaration much richer.
Please email for the Zoom link.