May 22, 2022
Young Families Litter Pick Up
Families with children ages 1 to 18 are invited to pick up litter with Pastor Billy from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm around the church campus and nearby street and sidewalks. Email to learn more.
May 21, 2022
Young Families Canoe and Scoop Service Day
Enjoy a morning of free kayaking while also cleaning up our local waterways! Govans is partnering with Baltimore City Parks & Recreation for a “canoe and scoop” day at Middle Branch Park. Parks and Recreation will provide kayaks, safety gear, and paddling instructions. We’ll enjoy the water while also collecting trash from the shoreline. No kayaking experience is necessary and kids of all ages are welcome (with a parent). All participants must wear a face mask. Space is limited and all…
Preschool Chapel with Pastor Billy
Pastor Billy leads monthly chapel services with each classroom at Govans Presbyterian Church Preschool from 10:00 am to noon on the third Tuesday of the month. Contact for more information.
Racial Justice Outdoor Film Screening: 13th
***The May 13 event has been postponed due to rain. The new date is Friday, May 20.*** In the thought-provoking Netflix documentary, “13th”, scholars, activists and politicians analyze the criminalization of African-Americans and the U.S. prison boom. We will gather on the front lawn of Govans Presbyterian Church. Socializing and Fire Pit start at 7:30 pm and film screening will start at 8:30 pm. Discussion to follow screening from about 10:10-10:45 pm. Bring your own chair and refreshments.
Community Children’s Choir
Minister Lea Gilmore and Pastor Billy lead a community children’s choir at Govans Elementary School for children grades K to 5. If your child would like to participate and is not a student at Govans Elementary School, please email
May 8, 2022
Youth Servant Leader Council Meeting (on Zoom)
For 8th graders and above we have a special program designed to nurture leadership for our youth. A one-year commitment to the program includes monthly leadership in worship, service to the church, and service to the community. There is also a monthly Youth Servant Leader Council meeting to process how these commitments are going and dream about ways to make the church better. One year in the Youth Servant Leader Program qualifies a youth to join the church as an…
Earth Day Spring Garden Event
Celebrate Earth Day with Govans! We will be planting cold weather vegetables, cleaning out the bio-retention pond, planting herbs, amending soil and other great stuff. Contact Jody Morris at or 717-713-9840 for more information.
Easter Sunrise Service
The Sunrise Service is an informal time to gather and celebrate the Resurrection of Christ. We will gather around the Columbarium behind the sanctuary along Orkney Road. We will sing a couple songs accompanied by guitar, hear the Easter story, and share our hopes for the new day. The service will be about 30 minutes and is in-person only.
Apr 16, 2022
The Little Prince & The Fourth Gospel
Discover a new appreciation for Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s classic children’s novella The Little Prince as we read it alongside the Gospel of John this Lent. Pastor Billy will offer two weekly discussions of the book and related sections of John’s Gospel on Saturdays via Zoom. On Saturdays, he will lead an English-language discussion of the book from 3 to 4pm and a French-language discussion from 4 to 5pm. To RSVP and receive a reading guide, email No prior reading is required to…
Good Friday Worship Service
Remember Jesus’ death on the cross with a moving service of music, readings, and acts of remembrance together with both music teams. Email for the Zoom link.
Maundy Thursday
Join us in-person or online for a Maundy Thursday service as we remember the Last Supper Jesus shared with his disciples before he was arrested and executed. There will Communion and music from both worship teams. Email for the Zoom link.
Music Sunday: Behold, the Lamb
Beginning with a Palm Sunday Procession into the sanctuary, the service will continue with a series of readings and anthems centered around the theme, ‘Behold, the lamb of God.” There will be beautiful prayers from the Iona community followed by classic anthems of the Passion composed by some of our greatest musicians: Mozart, Faure, Tchaikovsky, and John Ferguson. Our music will be enhanced by string accompaniment, as well as organ, piano, and bells. Email for the Zoom link.