Past Events (Page 16)

Past Events (Page 16)

Nov 6, 2021

Young Families Hike

Families with kids ages 1 to 18 are invited to hike the loggers trail (~2 miles) at Oregon Ridge Park in Cockeysville, Maryland on Saturday, November 6 at 11:00 am. We’ll park and gather near the Nature Center to begin the hike. All families with children ages 1 to 18 are welcome. Email for more information. 
Nov 1, 2021

Music Mondays: Sally Rogers

Folk singer, songwriter and educator Sally Rogers has performed from coast to coast for forty years! She has performed for audiences around the world at festivals, concerts, schools, and most any other public place you can imagine. Sally is equally talented at stirring a crowd to sing, or at using music to draw out even the shyest child in a classroom to become an active and enthusiastic participant. Join us online for a music-filled evening of fun. Email Lea Gilmore ( for the link.
Oct 29, 2021
Family rock, paper, scissors, contest

October Youth Group

Youth grades 3 – 12 are invited to Govans’ monthly youth group in-person at the church from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. Email for more information.
Oct 25, 2021

Music Mondays: Bob Lucas

Bob Lucas is a glory shouting, sweet singing, banjo picking, guitar thumping, old-time fiddling, songwriting rounder with a desire to share a sense of musical wonder any way he can. Coming up during the great folk scare of the ’60s, he was fortunate to be taken under wing by some of the great traditional musicians and singers of the era. Join us for a not-to-miss evening of foot-stomping, heart-pounding, soul-deep music – guaranteed!
Oct 18, 2021

Music Mondays: Paul Creighton – Live from Scotland

Paul Creighton will join us live from bonnie Scotland, presenting an evening of Irish and Scottish sea shanties and folk songs. Recently gaining popularity across social media, shanties were usually sung without instrumental accompaniment and, historically speaking, they were only sung in work-based rather than entertainment-oriented contexts. Paul will bring these songs to life and have you join in the virtual fun! Email Lea Gilmore ( for the link.
Oct 17, 2021
Church Sign Soul Kitchen

Young Families Night @ Soul Kitchen

Families with children ages 1 to 18 are invited to volunteer at Soul Kitchen as we prepare and serve a meal for hungry neighbors. Email for more information.
Oct 5, 2021
Taize Road Sign

World Council of Churches & Taize Mission Trip Informational Sessions

Govans is considering a possible intergenerational mission trip to visit the ecumenical Christian community in Taize, France and The World Council of Churches in Geneva, Switzerland from June 20-28, 2022 (those dates may shift slightly). If we have enough interest, Pastor Billy will lead this trip. He will lead two informational sessions for Govans members and friends to learn more, ask questions, and express their interest in traveling to Switzerland and France for classes on modern Christian mission and charity…
Oct 4, 2021

Community Gospel Choir

Music is a unifying force. There is no better way to build and feel community. All are welcome, no experience necessary. Contact Lea Gilmore ( for more information.
Oct 3, 2021
Taize Road Sign

World Council of Churches & Taize Mission Trip Informational Sessions

Govans is considering a possible intergenerational mission trip to visit the ecumenical Christian community in Taize, France and The World Council of Churches in Geneva, Switzerland from June 20-28, 2022 (those dates may shift slightly). If we have enough interest, Pastor Billy will lead this trip. He will lead two informational sessions for Govans members and friends to learn more, ask questions, and express their interest in traveling to Switzerland and France for classes on modern Christian mission and charity…
Sep 26, 2021

Conversation Corps Fall Gathering

Govans’ community engagement team, the Conversation Corps, will gather to reflect on recent one-on-ones and plan for this fall and winter via Zoom. Email to learn more and join the conversation!
Sep 26, 2021

Youth Servant Leader Commissioning

Govans will commission a new group of servant leaders (grades 8 to 12) for a year of service to the community and church. If your youth would like to participate in Govans’ Youth Servant Leader program, please email