Young Families Game Day
Play your favorite games outside on the Peace Terrace with your family and favorite Govans friends. All families with children ages 1-18 are welcome. You may bring a favorite board game to play or play one of ours. Face masks are required for all participants three years of age and above who are not fully vaccinated. Email for more information.
Music Mondays at Govans: Debbie Bond and “Radiator” Rick
Join us to celebrate the release of Debbie Bond and “Radiator” Rick’s new recording Blues Without Borders! They will be sharing songs of peace, unity, justice, and love – and a bit of humor too! Celebrating blues power as medicine for the soul connecting us to our common humanity. Plus Govans’ own Lea Gilmore is on the new recording! Join us for an evening of music and fun! Contact Lea Gilmore ( for the Zoom link.
Racial Justice Ministry Speaker Series: Richard Rowe
Structural Racism and Psychological Trauma: The State of Black men in Baltimore City and Beyond In 1952, Ralph Ellison published Invisible Man, a novel describing a Black man’s self-reflexive journey from the American South to the North and his experiences of racial discrimination as a black man. And, as a result of his social experiences, the Black man in the novel realizes that he is socially and politically invisible because the people he encounters and the policies that govern him see him…
Music Mondays At Govans: Andy Cohen
Every Monday evening at 7pm, Lea Gilmore leads a variety of musical programming including a monthly Community Sing and special guest for diverse musical backgrounds.
September Youth Group
Youth grades 3 – 12 are invited to Govans’ monthly youth group in-person at the church from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. Email for more information.
Young Families Litter Clean Up Day
Families with children ages 1-18 are invited to pick up litter outside on the church grounds and in the neighborhood from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm. Face masks are required for participants who are not fully vaccinated. Please email for more information.
Racial Justice Ministry Summer Book Discussion: Kindred
Join us as we read and discuss this brilliant page-tuner. One of the first science fiction written by a Black woman, Kindred has become a cornerstone of American literature. This combination of slave memoir, fantasy, and historical fiction, Kindred is a novel of rich literary complexity. The visionary author’s masterpiece pulls us–along with her Black female hero–through time to face the horrors of slavery and explore the impacts of racism, sexism, and white supremacy then and now.
Families Night at Soul Kitchen
Parents and kids (ages 1-18) are invited to prepare and serve meals to hungry neighbors at Govans on Sunday, August 15 with Carolyn Anewich and Pastor Billy. Participants must register in advance and wear a face mask while volunteering. Email for more information.
Woodberry Crossing Summer Day Camp
Govans youth (rising kindergarten to 5th grade) are invited to join kids from Knox and Roland Park Presbyterian Churches to enjoy farm animals, hiking, swimming, crafts, stories, and more at Woodberry Crossing’s free summer day camp. Camp runs from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm each day, Monday, August 2 to Wednesday, August 4, 2021 at Woodberry Crossing (925 Stablersville Road Parkton, Maryland). Learn more and register your children, click here.
Jul 26, 2021
Govans Community Gospel Choir
Music is a unifying force. There is no better way to build and feel community. Join us on Monday, July 26 at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom for the initial gathering of those interested in joining the newly formed Govans Presbyterian Community Gospel Choir. No Experience Required. Register to receive the Zoom Link. Just bring with you a desire to make a joyful noise – together!
Young Families Trash Pick Up
Families with children ages 1-18 are invited to help care for the environment by picking up trash on the church campus and neighboring sidewalks. Facemasks are required for all participants who are not fully vaccinated. Email for more information.
June Youth Group – Water Party
Youth grades 3 – 12 are invited to an outdoor youth group at the church from 6:15 to 7:30 pm. Please wear clothes that can get wet. Facemasks are required for all participants who are not fully vaccinated. Email to learn more.