Past Events (Page 6)

Past Events (Page 6)

Sep 3, 2023

Per Capita Sunday

It’s Latin! It’s Presbyterian! It’s weird! It’s Per Capita Sunday! – September 3:  The Per Capita is what we at Govans pay to our Presbyterian denomination for each member on our active rolls. If you give regularly you don’t have to even worry about it if you don’t want to. Your generous giving covers your per capita. But, some people actually like to pay their own per capita. For 2023 we pay $40 for each active member. Of that $29…
Aug 22, 2023

Racial Justice Book Discussion: The Bluest Eye

Join us on Tuesday, August 22 at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom.  We will be reading  The Bluest Eye, Toni Morrison’s first novel set in her hometown of Lorain, Ohio. “Pecola Breedlove—an 11-year-old Black girl in an America whose love for its blond, blue-eyed children can devastate all others—prays for her eyes to turn blue: so that she will be beautiful, so that people will look at her, so that her world will be different. This is the story of the nightmare at…
Jul 9, 2023

The Practice of Prayer

Join Pastor Tom on Sunday morning for a special series, The Practice of Prayer. We will: Email with questions
Jun 26, 2023

At the Intersections: Black and LGBTQ+

As part of Govans’ celebration of Pride month, we are presenting a virtual conversation on June 26 at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom.  featuring a panel of experts  who will share information and insights about the health and well-being of Americans who identify as Black and LGBTQ. According to the American Medical Association, about 40% of LGBTQ+ adults in the United States are people of color, including 12% who identify as Black. A recent report by the Williams Institute at UCLA found that Black adults…
Jun 25, 2023

Introduction to Presbyterianism

Are you interested in joining Govans? You are encouraged to join Pastor Tom for a one hour class that will introduce Presbyterian theology and polity and review the core values we hold at Govans Presbyterian. RSVP to Pastor Tom (
Jun 17, 2023

Visit to Harriet Tubman Birthplace and Museum

We will visit Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park where we will enjoy lunches (brought from home). From there we will visit Brodess Farm where Harriet was born into slavery and then make our way to Cambridge, Maryland where we will see the Harriet Tubman mural and visit the Harriet Tubman Museum and Educational Center before returning home. Email Minister Lea Gilmore ( to RSVP.
Jun 12, 2023

Juneteenth Jubilee

Govans’ First Service music program and the Racial Justice Ministry in partnership with Knox Presbyterian will be presenting a FREE Juneteenth musical community celebration:  Juneteenth Jubilee. This event is being organized by Jonathan Jensen, bassist for the award winning Baltimore Symphony Orchestra and Lea Gilmore, First Service Music Director and Minister for Racial Justice and Multicultural Engagement.  This multi-genre concert (classical, jazz, blues, gospel, spirituals, ragtime, folk, etc.) will feature music composed by or for African-American musicians. Admission is free. Email Lea Gilmore ( for…
Apr 9, 2023

Easter at Govans: Sunrise Service

Sunrise Service at 6:45 a.m.:  Join us in the Columbarium for an informal Easter Sunrise Service with music, prayer, scripture, and reflections.
Apr 6, 2023

Maundy Thursday

Join us in the Sanctuary for a Maundy Thursday Communion Service followed by a performance of a seat-gripping musical tale of the crucifixion composed by the French Impressionist composer, Olivier Messiaen. This big organ work will serve as accompaniment to members of our Biblical Storytelling Team who will perform a dramatic pantomime of the Last Supper and Garden of Gethsemane.
Mar 25, 2023

Introduction to Presbyterianism at Govans

The one hour class will introduce Presbyterian theology and polity. It will also review the core values we hold at Govans Presbyterian. Those interested in joining the church are especially encouraged to attend. Refreshments will be available.