Racial Justice Book Discussion: Cousins
Join us for a Zoom discussion with the authors! Connected through slavery, a Black woman and a White woman discover their past―and each other. Books are available for $15 from the church office (wilson@govanspres.org). Email Lea Gilmore (lea@govanspres.org) for Zoom link.
Let Freedom Sing!
Join us as we welcome Keith Snipes and Company for an inspirational tribute to democracy and freedom. Comprised of a rich collection of songs and poetry reminiscent of the civil rights movement, Let Freedom Sing will leave you feeling rejuvenated, fortified and prepared to meet the moment.
Christmas Eve: Service of Peace and Joy
This year we are re-imagining the service of Lessons and Carols. Our choir will provide beautiful music and lead us in medleys of Christmas hymns. We will begin by singing Silent Night to candlelight before moving into the reading of the gospel Christmas stories interspersed with beloved music. We will end as the choir leads us out to “Go Tell It on the Mountain”! Email Andy Wilson (wilson@govanspres.org) for the Zoom link.
Young Families Christmas Pageant
Kids and parents of all ages are invited to be part of our annual Christmas pageant! Email billy@govanspres.org if you would like a speaking or non-speaking part.
Service for Grieving
All are welcome for this beautiful service with music provided by our Handbell Choir and Anne Owens leading singing with guitar. During this season of compulsory joy, take a moment to honor the sorrow we feel for those we have lost. Light a candle, remember those who have passed, and support those left behind.
Youth and Young Families Christmas Party
Celebrate Christmas with Govans Youth and Young Families! We’ll have special games, food, and music to be festive together. Email billy@govanspres.org for more information.
Music Mondays: Marie Herrington
In addition to being Govans’ Second Service Music Director, Marie Herrington is a composer of song who uses her performance background in voice, piano, and organ to showcase everything from human tragedies to sublime human delights. Marie has a few big projects that are getting released later this year. In late November, 2022, Marie’s piece To The River will be recorded for its January 2023 debut at SongSLAM in New York City, NY. Later in January, Marie’s piece Under Water Blue will have its world premiere at…
Youth Servant Leaders Council Meeting
Youth Servant Leaders (youth grades 8-12) will gather in-person after worship in the Youth Room to discuss their service projects and what it means to be a young Christian leader. Email billy@govanspres.org for more information.
Preschool Chapel
Pastor Billy leads monthly chapel services with each classroom at Govans Presbyterian Church Preschool from 10:00 am to noon one Tuesday per month. Contact billy@govanpsres.org for more information.
Music Mondays: Gospel Choir
Rescheduled from November 21, 2022
Thanksgiving Eve Service
Join us Wednesday evening, November 23 at 7:00 p.m. for our Thanksgiving Eve service. Both music teams will have musical offerings and lead us in hymns of thanksgiving. It is a great time to center yourself and connect with your church family before any big plans start to unfold on Thanksgiving Day. Email wilson@govanspres.org for the Zoom link.
Young Families Night at Soul Kitchen
Young families and youth are invited to come help make and serve a meal for hungry neighbors. Email billy@govanspres.org for more information. Face masks are required while volunteering at Soul Kitchen.