Nov 20, 2022
Intergenerational Sunday School
Parents and kids are invited to an intergenerational Sunday school from 10:10 to 10:45 am in the youth room in the education building between worship services. Classes are taught by volunteers and Pastor Billy. Each week’s lesson includes free play time, a Bible story that we tell and discuss together, and prayer. Email for more information.
Preschool Chapel
Pastor Billy leads monthly chapel services with each classroom at Govans Presbyterian Church Preschool from 10:00 am to noon one Tuesday per month. Contact for more information.
Nov 13, 2022
Intergenerational Sunday School
Parents and kids are invited to an intergenerational Sunday school from 10:10 to 10:45 am in the youth room in the education building between worship services. Classes are taught by volunteers and Pastor Billy. Each week’s lesson includes free play time, a Bible story that we tell and discuss together, and prayer. Email for more information.
The Woodbrook Players present: The Curious Savage
Tickets available at:
The Woodbrook Players present: The Curious Savage
Tickets available at:
Music Mondays: Buzz Merrick
Sing Out for Social Justice! Music Mondays is proud to present Sing Along for Peace & Social Justice. In the tradition of the Rise Up Singing songbooks by Peter Blood and Anne Patterson, local singer/songwriter Buzz Merrick will lead a Singalong with his self-published Songbook for Social Change – Songs of Resistance & Protest for Peace and Social Justice. Taking protest and social justice songs from the 60’s, Buzz has added updated lyrics to include reflection on today’s struggles. He…
The Woodbrook Players Present: The Curious Savage
Tickets available at:
Youth Servant Leaders Council Meeting
Youth Servant Leaders (youth grades 8-12) will gather in-person after worship in the Youth Room to discuss their service projects and what it means to be a young Christian leader. Email for more information.
Woodbrook Players present: The Curious Savage
Tickets available at:
Govans Community Concert
To support music in Baltimore, in our Govans community, and in support of Baltimore Cease Fire, we are coming together as a community on November 4 at 7:00 p.m. for our very own Govans Community Concert! Email for more information.
Oct 30, 2022
Intergenerational Sunday School
Parents and kids are invited to an intergenerational Sunday school from 10:10 to 10:45 am in the youth room in the education building between worship services. Classes are taught by volunteers and Pastor Billy. Each week’s lesson includes free play time, a Bible story that we tell and discuss together, and prayer. Email for more information.
Trunk or Treat
Go trick or treating in your favorite costume, play games, and vote in our best costume and trunk decoration contest. Email for more information. Everyone is welcome!