Sermons on Luke

Sermons on Luke

The Gift of Curiosity – Part II

The idea of a couple as old as Elizabeth having a child provoked amazement and disbelief from Zechariah, while or the idea of a young virgin becoming pregnant provoked a different reaction from Mary: CURIOSITY. Doubt and disbelief will ultimately diminish our faith in God, while Godly curiosity and wonder will feed and nurture our faith.

The Gift of Curiosity – Part I

John the Baptist provoked a response from the Jewish crowds who came to him hoping to draw nearer to God under the presumption that they were already in right-relationship with God because of their ancestor Abraham. John the Baptist provokes curiosity in the hearts of people, reminding them of that in order to be in right relationship with God, you must be in right-relationship with the children of God. The crowds were given a gift of curiosity provoking a curious…

Recognizing the Moment

Luke’s Gospel reveals that the political climate was not pleasant as John the Baptist began his ministry telling people about the coming of Christ. It was another one of those Kairos moments in history, not much unlike today. But recognizing that important moment to be a light shining in the wilderness, John faithfully pressed on with his important assignment to preach about the coming of the Messiah. – Rev. Dr. Ron Hankins sermon from December 8, 2024.

Rev. Shannon Weston’s Sermon: Sunday, May 5, 2024

The feeding of the 5, 000 – it’s a familiar story, and it’s a great story, but it is because it is a great story that I wonder if its complexity is often overlooked. Luke’s version of the story isn’t in the lectionary, but in it are details about the community and Jesus’s continued empowering ministry that should not be overlooked.

Are You With Them?

Are we saints? How can we be sure? Is that even the right question to ask? We explore what it might mean to be model Christians as we discuss the story of Peter’s denial of Jesus from the Gospel of Luke. – Pastor Billy’s sermon from November 6, 2022

Compassion and Justice for Transgender People

We all seek to match who we feel like on the inside with how we express ourselves on the outside. Transgender people were assigned a gender at birth that does not match who they are on the inside. As people of faith we are called to welcome, stand with, listen to, and fight for transgender people who are seeking to answer God’s calling to be who God created them to be on the inside and out. – Pastor Tom’s sermon…

It’s Been on Fire the Whole Time

Christ is always among us. Christ is with us in every person we meet. Our calling is to recognize that our hearts and minds (in fact our heads) are on fire with the presence of God. Our challenge is to recognize this when we are in the moment, so we don’t just look back and say, “Oh, my head was on fire the whole time.”

The Rich Man, Lazarus, and Wanda Maximoff

In the story of the rich man and Lazarus, we meet a man who has created a bubble of privilege so impenetrable that even as he suffers for his actions, he cannot see the truth. In this sermon on Luke 16:19-31, Rev. Tom Harris connects the Marvel TV show WandaVision with this parable. In the show, Wanda Maximoff has created a similar bubble of power that blinds her to reality. How do each of us create the same kinds of…
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