Leading Like a Christian
Bad News, Good News, and Finding the Blessing
What are we willing to lose to serve God and our neighbor? In this sermon, we continue discussing the stories of early leaders in our faith as we turn toward Abram/Abraham and Sarai/Sarh in Genesis 12:1-9. We talk about all of God’s promises to Abram, as well as the many things God challenges Abram to let go of.
Leading Like a Christian: Stay Humble
Nehemiah’s enemies return! We’ll finish our summer sermon series this Sunday with a discussion of Nehemiah 13. Even our biggest wins are temporary at best, so how should Christian leaders act accordingly? We’ll talk about humility, hope, and the grace of God that sees us through it all.
Leading Like a Christian: Expect Resistance
All leaders face resistance to their work, but how do Christian leaders respond to opposition? We continue our series on how Christian leaders work for change and move to the book of Nehemiah and its first six chapters.
Leading Like a Christian: Leaders Make Mistakes
Even Christian leaders make mistakes. What do we do about that? Pastor Billy continues his five-part series on Christian leadership this Sunday. Throughout this series, we are using the books of Ezra and Nehemiah from the Hebrew Bible as guides for how we can be faithful leaders in this moment. On Sunday, July 24, Pastor Billy preached on Ezra 10 and some of the mistakes that Ezra made. You’re invited to read through both of these books this summer as…
Leading Like a Christian: Claiming a Gospel Vision
How do we lead as Christians in this moment of tumult and transition? Pastor Billy will begin a five-part series on Christian leadership this Sunday to complement Pastor Tom’s summer series on critical social justice concerns. Throughout this series, we’ll use the books of Ezra and Nehemiah from the Hebrew Bible as guides for how we can be faithful leaders in this moment. This Sunday, Pastor Billy will preach on Ezra 1 and 3. You’re invited to read through both…