Sermons by Minister Lea Gilmore

Sermons by Minister Lea Gilmore

Where is My Faith?

Knock knock…the Lord is calling! Listen as Minister Lea Gilmore emphasizes the power of faith, private prayer, and active engagement with God’s Word in overcoming life’s challenges and following Jesus faithfully. – Minister Lea Gilmore’s sermon from October 27, 2024.

Minister Lea Gilmore’s Sermon – July 28, 2024

Minister Lea Gilmore explores Lamentations 3:21-24 as we remember how to retain hope in a world that often feels hopeless. From this scripture, Lea touches on the importance of grieving and lamenting and keeping faith and hope when the world around us tries to tell us that there is no light in the darkness. – Sermon from July 28, 2024.

Celebrate Juneteenth!

We celebrate freedom, equity, and justice in honor of the federal Juneteenth holiday. Minister Lea Gilmore’s sermon on 2 Corinthians 3:17-20: “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”

The Power of Pentecost

Minister Lea Gilmore explores the purpose and power of celebrating Pentecost. What does it mean to truly and fundamentally understand this story and how we should never reject the power of the Holy Spirit?

Who Do You Say I Am?

Minister Lea Gilmore explores Mark 8:27-30, where Jesus asks, “Who do you say I am?” Delving into this passage, Lea will unpack its significance for our identity as a church and as children of God. – Minister Lea Gilmore’s sermon from March 17, 2024.

Embracing Joy and Living a Persistent Faith

Minister Lea Gilmore discusses I Thessalonians 3:6-13 as a call to live a persistent faith, embrace joy in living, and dedicate ourselves to doing good in the world. You (Yes, you!) are a beautiful child of God whose good works impact us all. Let’s receive it and believe it.

“To Sin or Not to Sin?”…that is the question

What is sin? What does it mean to be “free from sin?” While God does indeed cover us with grace, it does not give us permission to embrace sin (however we define it). Yet, are we inherently sinful by nature? Oh, the confusion! Join us as Minister Lea Gilmore reflects upon this complex passage which scholars spend a lifetime trying to understand. – Sermon from May 21, 2023

Consenting to God

Minister Lea Gilmore preaching on the themes of baptism by water, fire, and the Holy Spirit based on Matthew 3:1-17. How are we called to consent to God?