Sermons by Rev. Tom Harris
Teachings about Communion
For his last sermon at Govans, Pastor Tom invites the children to circle up around a blanket on the floor; a makeshift Communion Table. He teaches about how we welcome all kinds of people but also work to keep everyone safe, and how the symbols of the bread and cup represent Jesus love and courage within us always.
Words of Encouragement for the Pastoral Transition
In our story today, Jesus pauses on his way to heal a little girl so that he can attend to a desperate woman. During the pause the little girl dies, but Jesus then raises her from death. Pastor Tom reflects on how we as a church never stop our ministry but sometimes we do have to take time to focus on immediate needs that demand our attention. Doing so faithfully, positively, and gratefully will result in us doing greater things…
The Anti-Occupation and Anti-Colonization Polemic Thinly Veiled in the Story of the Gerasenes Demoniac
It would be easy to hear the story of the exorcism of the Gerasene demoniac as an ancient story about mental health. It can be that. And, if we pay attention to Mark’s clues we will hear that it is a strong message against violent occupation and colonization then and now. Further, it challenges us to consider what we are willing to pay in wealth and privilege in order to live in the Kin-dom of God.
Allowing God’s Callings to Take Root in Us
The Parable of the Sower is interpreted in the Gospel of Mark as a parable about different kinds of people receiving the Gospel differently. Pastor Tom suggests we think of the sower’s seed as the many ways God calls us in our lives, and the different soil as all being inside each of us. Which of God’s callings are finding the good soil in you right now. Which seeds are preparing you to receive their calling in the future? –…
Hulda’s and Josiah’s Climate Change Testimony
The Prophetess Hulda speaks truth to men in power. Josiah listens to her voice and leads change despite the inevitable fall of Jerusalem. How do their actions inform our response to climate change? We are do both; speak truth to power and change despite the coming consequences of the choices of past generations.
In Defense of Committees
The early church did something that churches would continue to do for millennia: they formed a committee. When issue of caring and social justice arose within the early church they created a group to help make their ideals into reality. Pastor Tom will encourage us to consider doing the same today by joining one of the many committees at Govans. – Sermon from November 19, 2023.
Reflecting Faithfully on the Violence Between the Israelis and Palestinians
Pastor Tom reflects on how we might respond faithfully to news about the violence between Israelis and Palestinians. He discuss how violence escalates into oppression when one power dominates another. Biblically we find God consistenly siding with the oppressed in the Exodus and in the person and teaching of Jesus. Yet, even more importantly, we must always turn our critque of this kind of violence back on ourselves. What can we do to respond to all kinds of oppressing whether…
Two Keys to Meaningful Daily Prayer
We read of David’s second attempt to bring the Ark of the Covenant to his new capital in Jersusalem. Though there are several details that differ between the two attempts, we will look broadly at how his intention changed and the attention he paid to his body changed. How can paying attention to our intention and to our bodies in prayer make our daily prayer practice more meaningful?
Loving An Invisible God
The instruction to love God is central to both the Jewish and Christian faiths. So, how do we do it? How do we love a God who is invisible and completely beyond our comprehension? Pastor Tom reflects on this question by comparing how loving a person is the same as loving God and how it is different. In many ways, it is quite different and yet, if we practice our love for God we will improve the ways we love…
Irresistible Resistance
We read today of how Pharaoh represents the Kingdom/s of Men or Kingdom/s of the World with his hoarding, violent, oppressive, and extractive practices. Pastor Tom will lift up the women in the story who all engaged in different kinds of resistance against this oppression. The Church today is called to follow the example of these women as we seek to be the Beloved Community or Kin-dom of God. We are called to resist the Kingdoms of this world with…
We Never Stop Growing in our Faith
The story of Jacob wrestling with God is a classic initiation story. Jacob seperates, faces challenges, gains a new identity, and reintegrates. We go through initiations all the time including puberty, moving out, finding a partner, becoming a parent, and many more. Through it all God is with us and through it all our understanding of God and our faith can grow along with us. We are always invited into deeper understandings and a deeper relationship with God. -Pastor Tom’s…
Reading the Bible to Deepen Our Relationship with God
How can the Bible help us deepen our relationship with God? First, it is helpful to remember that the Word of God is theological concept much bigger than the Bible. We will also hear in this sermon what Presbyterian theology says the Bible is and what it is not. The answers may surprise you.