Sermons on Politics

Sermons on Politics

Recognizing the Moment

Luke’s Gospel reveals that the political climate was not pleasant as John the Baptist began his ministry telling people about the coming of Christ. It was another one of those Kairos moments in history, not much unlike today. But recognizing that important moment to be a light shining in the wilderness, John faithfully pressed on with his important assignment to preach about the coming of the Messiah. – Rev. Dr. Ron Hankins sermon from December 8, 2024.

The Voice of Truth

In a world filled with many alternative truths (lies) and divergent voices, it is more important than ever that we listen and seek after the voice of ETERNAL TRUTH, and that is the voice of Jesus Christ who said “Everyone who belongs to the truth, listens to my voice.” – Rev. Dr. Ron Hankins sermon, November 24, 2024.

The Anti-Occupation and Anti-Colonization Polemic Thinly Veiled in the Story of the Gerasenes Demoniac

It would be easy to hear the story of the exorcism of the Gerasene demoniac as an ancient story about mental health. It can be that. And, if we pay attention to Mark’s clues we will hear that it is a strong message against violent occupation and colonization then and now. Further, it challenges us to consider what we are willing to pay in wealth and privilege in order to live in the Kin-dom of God.

Reflecting Faithfully on the Violence Between the Israelis and Palestinians

Pastor Tom reflects on how we might respond faithfully to news about the violence between Israelis and Palestinians. He discuss how violence escalates into oppression when one power dominates another. Biblically we find God consistenly siding with the oppressed in the Exodus and in the person and teaching of Jesus. Yet, even more importantly, we must always turn our critque of this kind of violence back on ourselves. What can we do to respond to all kinds of oppressing whether…