Sermons on Reflections

Sermons on Reflections

The Voice of Truth

In a world filled with many alternative truths (lies) and divergent voices, it is more important than ever that we listen and seek after the voice of ETERNAL TRUTH, and that is the voice of Jesus Christ who said “Everyone who belongs to the truth, listens to my voice.” – Rev. Dr. Ron Hankins sermon, November 24, 2024.

Keeping a Clear Mind

The U.S. presidential election of 2024, coupled with all of the many challenging events happening around the globe fall perfectly in line with the prophecies of Jesus Christ regarding the end of days prior to His second advent. Christians must not be distracted or diverted from the important work of spreading the Gospel of faith, maintaining their peace of mind, and being physically and spiritually resilient during these dark and difficult times. – Rev. Dr. Ron Hankins sermon from November…

For Thine is the Kingdom…

For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory Forever and Ever. Amen. This Sunday we celebrate the end of our series on the Lord’s Prayer and the end of my time as your pastor. I pray this will not be a time of sorrow but a time of celebration. I am in no way Jesus nor would I ever claim to be, but when I think about leaving and the end of the Lord’s Prayer I think…