Sermons on Relationships

Sermons on Relationships

The Gift of Curiosity – Part II

The idea of a couple as old as Elizabeth having a child provoked amazement and disbelief from Zechariah, while or the idea of a young virgin becoming pregnant provoked a different reaction from Mary: CURIOSITY. Doubt and disbelief will ultimately diminish our faith in God, while Godly curiosity and wonder will feed and nurture our faith.

The Gift of Curiosity – Part I

John the Baptist provoked a response from the Jewish crowds who came to him hoping to draw nearer to God under the presumption that they were already in right-relationship with God because of their ancestor Abraham. John the Baptist provokes curiosity in the hearts of people, reminding them of that in order to be in right relationship with God, you must be in right-relationship with the children of God. The crowds were given a gift of curiosity provoking a curious…

Words Matter

Proverbs 18:21 reminds us that the tongue can bring about death or life – for ourselves, as well as for others. As Christian believers, we must always be mindful of both our spoken, as well as our unspoken words. Sometimes, unspoken words can speak louder the words spoken. – Rev. Dr. Ron Hankins sermon from September 15, 2024.

It’s All About Mercy and Kindness

In the Old Testament book of Micah the question is asked, what does the Lord require of us? As children of God, we are to act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God (Micah 6:6-8). However in the parable of the Good Samaritan, we observe how easy it can be to squander opportunities to be a blessing to those who are in need of assistance. Pastor Ron discusses how displays of compassion, mercy and kindness towards…

“Provoking Good, Fair-Minded, Hardworking People”

Jesus tells this story of the Laborers in the Vineyard in a way that intentionally challenges and provokes good, fair-minded, hardworking people. In doing so he calls us to reconsider whose voices we welcome to the table. We are called to stop privileging the voices of those who have been around doing all the work in the church and instead privilege voices who have just arrived or even those who have not come in yet. We might also reconsider if…

Bad News, Good News, and Finding the Blessing

What are we willing to lose to serve God and our neighbor? In this sermon, we continue discussing the stories of early leaders in our faith as we turn toward Abram/Abraham and Sarai/Sarh in Genesis 12:1-9. We talk about all of God’s promises to Abram, as well as the many things God challenges Abram to let go of.

Dealing with People Who Don’t Play by Your Rules

How do we deal with people who don’t play by the rules we thought everyone had agreed upon? Rebekah is a woman with a message from God in a patriarchal society. She has to resort to deception to realize God’s message. Can we ever meet Rebekah’s example and learn how to nurture God’s blessings?