Sermons on Justice
The Anti-Occupation and Anti-Colonization Polemic Thinly Veiled in the Story of the Gerasenes Demoniac
It would be easy to hear the story of the exorcism of the Gerasene demoniac as an ancient story about mental health. It can be that. And, if we pay attention to Mark’s clues we will hear that it is a strong message against violent occupation and colonization then and now. Further, it challenges us to consider what we are willing to pay in wealth and privilege in order to live in the Kin-dom of God.
Christian Responses to State Violence Against Its Own Citizens
How are we called to respond when the State uses violence against its own citizens? When Jesus was wrongly convicted, tortured, and executed by the State, does that inform our response? We will consider ways we as individuals can respond and ways we can advocate for meaningful change in US policing.