Sermons on The Gospel
Rev. Shannon Weston’s Sermon: Sunday, May 5, 2024
The feeding of the 5, 000 – it’s a familiar story, and it’s a great story, but it is because it is a great story that I wonder if its complexity is often overlooked. Luke’s version of the story isn’t in the lectionary, but in it are details about the community and Jesus’s continued empowering ministry that should not be overlooked.
Rev. Shannon Weston – April 14, 2024
Jesus’ work never ended. Still hasn’t. As soon as the same day he had been seen raised in the garden, Jesus found the disciples gathered in a room huddling for fear, all except one, Thomas. The following week, when Jesus returned, Thomas was with them. Jesus apparently knew Thomas was doubtful of the disciples’ report and invited Thomas to inspect his body. But Thomas didn’t need further proof. Jesus then explained the responsibility Jesus was passing on to the disciples…
“Life’s Illusions”
The story of the resurrection of Jesus is not about a single event that happened 2000 years ago to one man. It is the story of how Jesus disciples used the prophetic imagination he taught, to envision a new life and community centered on his living life and ministry. Rev. Harris uses the song “Both Sides Now” by Joni Mitchell as a springboard to talk about how we make life more real and more lasting by infusing it with vision,…
Unmiraculous Miracles
What makes a miracle, well, miraculous? And how might God be inviting us to be part of the miracles in our lives and neighborhoods? In this sermon, we continue our reading through the major leaders and prophets of the Hebrew Bible with the story of Elisha and Naaman from 2 Kings 5. Pastor Billy preaches on the seemingly mundane miracles that can transform the world around us even today.
Are You With Them?
Are we saints? How can we be sure? Is that even the right question to ask? We explore what it might mean to be model Christians as we discuss the story of Peter’s denial of Jesus from the Gospel of Luke. – Pastor Billy’s sermon from November 6, 2022
Easter Sunday Sermon
Happy Easter!
Keep on Gnawing
In John’s gospel, Jesus tells us repeatedly he is the “bread of life,” but how exactly does that work? This Sunday, Pastor Billy will discuss the great bread chapter of John (chapter 6), Passover, manna, feeding the 5,000, and what Jesus’ invitation to carbo-loaded, full life might mean for us today.
Quenching Our Thirst by Knowing Our Worth
The woman at the well represents just about every outsider we can imagine. Jesus offers her Living Water that is the knowledge that her worth is not dependent on what she can do or who society says she should be. Her worth (and our worth) is only dependent on our relationship to God as God’s children. And every living being on earth is a child of God.
We Are Perfectly and Wonderfully Made
Enjoy Lea Gilmore’s powerful Sermon from June 13, 2021, part of Govans’ Summer Sermon Series focusing on children’s literature. Featuring Maurice Carroll on piano.
It’s Been on Fire the Whole Time
Christ is always among us. Christ is with us in every person we meet. Our calling is to recognize that our hearts and minds (in fact our heads) are on fire with the presence of God. Our challenge is to recognize this when we are in the moment, so we don’t just look back and say, “Oh, my head was on fire the whole time.”
When the Resurrection is the Resurrection & When the Resurrection is not the Resurrection
When we are young we accept the Resurrection at face value. As we study and reflect up in it we see there is much more to the story. Then at some point the simple truths and hope of Resurrection become all we may need.