Sermons on Resurrection
Rev. Shannon Weston – April 14, 2024
Jesus’ work never ended. Still hasn’t. As soon as the same day he had been seen raised in the garden, Jesus found the disciples gathered in a room huddling for fear, all except one, Thomas. The following week, when Jesus returned, Thomas was with them. Jesus apparently knew Thomas was doubtful of the disciples’ report and invited Thomas to inspect his body. But Thomas didn’t need further proof. Jesus then explained the responsibility Jesus was passing on to the disciples…
“Life’s Illusions”
The story of the resurrection of Jesus is not about a single event that happened 2000 years ago to one man. It is the story of how Jesus disciples used the prophetic imagination he taught, to envision a new life and community centered on his living life and ministry. Rev. Harris uses the song “Both Sides Now” by Joni Mitchell as a springboard to talk about how we make life more real and more lasting by infusing it with vision,…
Easter Sunday Sermon
Happy Easter!
When the Resurrection is the Resurrection & When the Resurrection is not the Resurrection
When we are young we accept the Resurrection at face value. As we study and reflect up in it we see there is much more to the story. Then at some point the simple truths and hope of Resurrection become all we may need.