

Sermons are listed below with the most recent sermons first. See the Sermons menu above browse by date, books of the Bible, speaker, and more. Check back often for updates.

HOPE Sermon Series: Empowerment to Effectiveness

Christ has empowered His followers with resources, tools and gifts according to our unique abilities. This parable reminds us that successful implementation of our gifts requires faithfulness, diligence, and the ability to work effectively with others. In contrast, the reward for faithlessness, laziness, and the lack of commitment was condemnation.

HOPE Sermon Series: Pain to Perseverance

Pastor Ron’s the third sermon in his “HOPE” sermon series focuses on the letter “P” – Pain to Perseverance. As we remember the legacy of Reverend. Dr. Martin Luther King, we must also remember that weapons formed against the children of God may cause us grief and pain, but will not ultimately prosper. Similarly, the dreams of those who walk in the light of Christ, cannot be destroyed with weapons of pain and darkness.

The Gift of Curiosity – Part II

The idea of a couple as old as Elizabeth having a child provoked amazement and disbelief from Zechariah, while or the idea of a young virgin becoming pregnant provoked a different reaction from Mary: CURIOSITY. Doubt and disbelief will ultimately diminish our faith in God, while Godly curiosity and wonder will feed and nurture our faith.

The Gift of Curiosity – Part I

John the Baptist provoked a response from the Jewish crowds who came to him hoping to draw nearer to God under the presumption that they were already in right-relationship with God because of their ancestor Abraham. John the Baptist provokes curiosity in the hearts of people, reminding them of that in order to be in right relationship with God, you must be in right-relationship with the children of God. The crowds were given a gift of curiosity provoking a curious…

Recognizing the Moment

Luke’s Gospel reveals that the political climate was not pleasant as John the Baptist began his ministry telling people about the coming of Christ. It was another one of those Kairos moments in history, not much unlike today. But recognizing that important moment to be a light shining in the wilderness, John faithfully pressed on with his important assignment to preach about the coming of the Messiah. – Rev. Dr. Ron Hankins sermon from December 8, 2024.

The Voice of Truth

In a world filled with many alternative truths (lies) and divergent voices, it is more important than ever that we listen and seek after the voice of ETERNAL TRUTH, and that is the voice of Jesus Christ who said “Everyone who belongs to the truth, listens to my voice.” – Rev. Dr. Ron Hankins sermon, November 24, 2024.

Sacrificial Giving

An impoverished widow gives what amounts to a fraction of a penny, sacrificing much out of what little she had, while others gave out of their material wealth and abundance – at very little cost and minimal sacrifice. Are we giving sacrificially in regards to our time, talents and tithes? – Rev. Dr. Ron Hankins sermon from November 17, 2024.

Keeping a Clear Mind

The U.S. presidential election of 2024, coupled with all of the many challenging events happening around the globe fall perfectly in line with the prophecies of Jesus Christ regarding the end of days prior to His second advent. Christians must not be distracted or diverted from the important work of spreading the Gospel of faith, maintaining their peace of mind, and being physically and spiritually resilient during these dark and difficult times. – Rev. Dr. Ron Hankins sermon from November…

Where is My Faith?

Knock knock…the Lord is calling! Listen as Minister Lea Gilmore emphasizes the power of faith, private prayer, and active engagement with God’s Word in overcoming life’s challenges and following Jesus faithfully. – Minister Lea Gilmore’s sermon from October 27, 2024.