Sermons from 2024 (Page 2)

Sermons from 2024 (Page 2)

Words Matter

Proverbs 18:21 reminds us that the tongue can bring about death or life – for ourselves, as well as for others. As Christian believers, we must always be mindful of both our spoken, as well as our unspoken words. Sometimes, unspoken words can speak louder the words spoken. – Rev. Dr. Ron Hankins sermon from September 15, 2024.

There’s Plenty More Where That Came From

The Lord’s blessings are so abundant, that even those who are in the vicinity of the Lord’s table, can be blessed by its abundance if they can wait upon the Lord, without lowering their expectations of what the Lord can and will do. – Rev. Dr. Ron Hankins sermon from September 8, 2024.

Heart Matters

Listen as Pastor Ron preaches on the importance of having and maintaining a healthy “spiritual” heart. Just as a healthy heart is paramount to our physical health and well-being, our spiritual well-being is greatly impacted by the condition of our inner hearts. Proverbs 4:23 warns us to Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Rev. Dr. Ron Hankins sermon from September 1, 2024.

It’s All About Mercy and Kindness

In the Old Testament book of Micah the question is asked, what does the Lord require of us? As children of God, we are to act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God (Micah 6:6-8). However in the parable of the Good Samaritan, we observe how easy it can be to squander opportunities to be a blessing to those who are in need of assistance. Pastor Ron discusses how displays of compassion, mercy and kindness towards…

For Thine is the Kingdom…

For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory Forever and Ever. Amen. This Sunday we celebrate the end of our series on the Lord’s Prayer and the end of my time as your pastor. I pray this will not be a time of sorrow but a time of celebration. I am in no way Jesus nor would I ever claim to be, but when I think about leaving and the end of the Lord’s Prayer I think…

Forgive us Our…?

We turn this week to the most confusing part of the Lord’s Prayer, forgive us our…What? Sins? Trespasses? Debts? Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us is important because it covers a multitude of sins (ba-dum ching!). Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us could also work really well in our world today as we constantly struggle with good emotional and physical boundaries. Yet, forgive us our debts, as we…

Give us This Day Our Daily Bread…

This week in our series on the Lord’s Prayer, we turn to “give us this day our daily bread.” Most live in a world where we don’t worry about where our next meal might come from, but this is not how all of the world lives. Our daily bread isn’t just about what we will eat. But do we think about our food and where it comes from?

Minister Lea Gilmore’s Sermon – July 28, 2024

Minister Lea Gilmore explores Lamentations 3:21-24 as we remember how to retain hope in a world that often feels hopeless. From this scripture, Lea touches on the importance of grieving and lamenting and keeping faith and hope when the world around us tries to tell us that there is no light in the darkness. – Sermon from July 28, 2024.

Rev. David Harris – Sermon from July 14, 2024

This Sunday, we welcomed the Rev. David C. Harris to the pulpit! He explored the nature of faith and leadership through Micah 6:6-8 and Jesus’ Baptism and calling in Mark 1:9-14. You may know David as the co-chair of the Racial Justice Committee here at Govans, but David is an honorably retired Minister Member of Baltimore Presbytery since June 2016. David also had his own consulting firm for over 30 years, focusing on organizational change, coaching, team development, and diversity…

Lord’s Prayer Sermon Series – June 30, 2024

This week we begin a worship series on the Lord’s Prayer. This prayer has brought together followers of Jesus into the heart of his teachings. I find it so enriching that there are different translations and interpretations of this prayer. Words and phrases that might resonate with us in new ways and connect us to God and all creation. For at the heart of this prayer is our interconnectedness. Nowhere will you find “give me my bread” or “forgive my…

Five Smooth Stones

The story of David and Goliath is one we are told as children. The small child, David, who will someday be a mighty king, faces the giant Goliath. But this story isn’t as simple as our Sunday School curriculum made it out to be. Yet, the metaphor continues for us today—Goliath, the towering figure that looms over us, seemingly undefeatable. Join us Sunday as Rev. Anne Owens, a Chaplain for Gilchrist Hospice and member of Govans for ten years, explores…