At Govans, we believe all people are called to care for God’s creation. Utilizing our historical building and large open space in the city, we are attempting to do our part in the following ways:
- We have an 11.7kwh solar system. View our online solar dashboard to see how much we have produced and saved!
- Our Peace Terrace that connects the Sanctuary and the Education Building is paved with pervious pavement to filter stormwater before it heads into our watershed.
- We have a bio-retention system that collects and filters the stormwater that falls on over half the impervious pavement on our property.
- We are have a productive community garden and orchard growing food for our local CARES Food Pantry. Email the church office if you would like to volunteer in the garden.
- We follow a no single-use plastic policy for all church events including our Preschool.
- We have energy efficient lighting throughout our campus.
- We are working to control invasive species and plant native species in our labyrinth and throughout the church property.
- We pray for the earth on Sunday mornings and seek to raise the consciousness of our members calling them to greater environmental stewardship and activism.
Through all off these efforts and more, we have just been recognized by our denomination as an Earth Care Congregation and we look forward to continuing this work into the future.