Serving Others

Serving Others

At Govans Presbyterian we believe our primary mission work is done through the daily lives of our members out in the world. The way each member lives, treats others and cares for the earth will affect the greatest change. Beyond the way we live our individual lives we also work together as a congregation to build relationships with people from many walks of life. Sometimes we do this through efforts right here at Govans and sometimes we do this by supporting the work of organizations doing great work with specific groups of people.

Local Mission

Soul Kitchen

It’s a free community meal currently offered Sunday evenings at Govans from 4:30-5:30 pm. Currently we are doing take-out meals only. All are welcome to come for a meal or to volunteer or both. Guests are encouraged to volunteer and volunteers are encouraged to eat.

CARES Food Pantry

Every Sunday worship participants are invited to give food and financial donations to CARES, our local food pantry.

Neighborhood Food Drive

Twice a year we deliver about 800 paper grocery bags to our neighbors around the church. The bags include a note asking for donations of non-perishable food to the CARES food pantry. The bags go out on Wednesday. One Saturday morning we pick up the bags that have been left on porches. We collect over 1000 pounds of food each time we do the food drive. This is a great way to involve our neighbors in our mission to help those in need.

Community Garden and Orchard

Govans Community Garden is literally a “home grown” mission of our church. Church members meet each season to prepare and plant three separate plots on the church grounds. Everything we grow is given to the CARES food pantry where fresh fruits and vegetables are a great addition to their offering. Email the Church office if you would like to volunteer in the garden.

Community garden
Volunteers work in the community garden at Govans Presbyterian Church.

One Straw Farm CSA Drop-Off Site

As a community drop off site for One Straw Farm Community Supported Agriculture, we support local farmers and food systems. In addition, One Straw Farm donates a share of food for every 10 people who pick up from our church. This fresh food also goes to CARES food pantry.

Financial Support for Local Organizations

These organizations include:

National and International Mission

Kay Papa Nou Orphanage, Haiti

Our work in Haiti began in 2007 when a small group went to visit missions and ministries in Port-au-Prince to learn more about what we could do in this poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. Through our contacts we met Dani and David Guillame who were caring for 20 children orphaned or displaced after civil unrest. David and Dani and the children were facing eviction, so our group came back to Govans, presented the need and the church immediately paid the rent for a year. We have continued to pay their rent ever since. Further support has grown to a sponsor a child program and now to a separate non-profit called Neighbors Near and Far. We have found partners in this work through Roland Park Presbyterian Church and other churches in our area.

Green Valley Sahuarita Samaritans

Govans provides support to the Green Valley Sahuarita Samaritans. Our Mission: To offer humanitarian assistance to migrants in the Arizona-Sonora borderlands. Samaritans believe in respect for human rights, the rendering of humanitarian aid, and one’s ethical responsibility to assist those who are suffering.

Baltimore Presbytery Mission

We support the ministry and mission of the Presbytery of Baltimore and the Presbyterian Church (USA). As a Presbyterian Church we are part of a much larger network of churches doing great work in the world. We are a part of smaller group in the Presbytery called North Baltimore Presbyterians.