Black Lives Matter

We cannot claim that the last few year’s headlines—including the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and others by police brutality and other violence—are all “recent” events. We know that these events have persisted in the history of our nation and the world. We know that our nation was built on these ugly truths of systemic violence, institutionalized racism, and oppression of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) groups in the United States.
Govans Presbyterian Church recognizes that God calls us as individuals, and as a congregation, to pursue justice by dismantling racism and acting in solidarity with those who are oppressed.
We have gathered the following resources to help our community understand the present reality of racism, learn the historical factors that have influenced our current events, and discover ways to take immediate action to end racism and bring God’s justice to our community, country and world.
Our Mission
We are Govans Presbyterian people who have come together in response to what we believe is God’s call to understand, address and dismantle racism in ourselves, and our society.
We want to:
- Provide opportunities and a safe environment at Govans where we can openly share thoughts and feelings, and ask questions about racism.
- Educate ourselves about the history and continuing presence of personal and systemic racism.
- Publicly advocate for racial justice in our society.
To generate this kind of learning and action, we will utilize book discussions, films, speakers, museum exhibits, prayer groups, partnerships with other organizations, and other modes yet to be determined. We are open to ideas and suggestions, and would welcome your participation in any aspect of this work.
Racial Justice Lending Library

Welcome to Govans Presbyterian Church’s Racial Justice Lending Library presented by the Racial Justice Ministry.

Govans’ Truth and Reconciliation Videos
Public Statement on Racial Justice Ministry
The Light – Govans’ Racial Justice E-Newsletter
Learn More
Resources including courses, reading lists, and websites
Staff and Leadership
Lea Gilmore, Minister of Racial Justice and Multicultural Engagement
Thanks to Plymouth Church, content adapted by permission.