Welcome to Govans Presbyterian Church’s Racial Justice Lending Library presented by the Racial Justice Ministry. Being a congregation committed to antiracism, we have created the library for members and those in the surrounding community to learn more about diversity, equity, equality, inclusion and equality, at your own pace. The Library is committed to establishing meaningful ways it can become a more welcoming, diverse, equitable, and inclusive library — a library that, in both word and deed, affirms the transcendent dignity and worth of every human person.
How to borrow books?
In the library, books are arranged alphabetically by title and divided into four sections: Fiction, Nonfiction, Children’s and Cookbooks. Select a book, fill out a circulation card, and enjoy your book for up to four weeks.
Please fill out the dedicated form (located in the library), to borrow a book. Return your book to the library’s “Returned Books” shelf, and select a new book! Then lending time is four weeks, with a maximum of three books.. You are also welcomed to relax and read on site.
We do not mail books. You must borrow in person. The library is located in the “Youth Room” in the Education Building at Govans. See the church map for details.
If you have any further questions, please contact Lea Gilmore at lea@govanspres.org.