Sermons are listed below with the most recent sermons first. See the Sermons menu above browse by date, books of the Bible, speaker, and more. Check back often for updates.
Fighting the Real Enemies
How do we read these challenging passages about Israel conquering the native inhabitants of “The Promised Land”? What is our Promised Land today and what enemies must we overcome to enter into it?
Thank You, Omu!
Faith without works is useless, says James – what does that mean? We finish our Summer Stories Sermon Series this week with our final lay preacher, Adam Allen. Adam shares some short remarks about faith and works and the hospitality exhorted by the author of James and practiced by Omu in our final children’s book for the summer, Thank You, Omu!
How to React When Others are Vulnerable
When others share their secrets and fears with us we can respond with support or we can use their trust against them. Christians are called to create communities of vulnerability and care so that we can be open and honest together.
Love Your Neighbor
Wendy Smith preaches on Mark 12: 28-34 and our children’s book for the week, Maybe I Can Love My Neighbor, Too by Jennifer Grant.
Our Original Sin: Coming to Terms With the Truth of America and Our Church.
Coming to terms with the truth of America and our church.
We Are Beloved, Our Enemies Are, Too.
Daniel in the lion’s den is a beloved Bible story, but what does it teach us about loving our neighbors and enemies, too? Pastor Billy talks about lions and tigers, and being the beloved community to everyone we meet, including our enemies.
What Does it Mean to Be Kind?
In the latest installment of our Summer Stories Sermon Series, Govans member, Carolyn Anewich asks what does it mean to be kind? Using the book, Be Kind by Pat Zietlow Miller as a starting point, Carolyn draws from her own personal experience to show how kindness can transform our world.
God Can Use Your Half-Hearted Welcomes
Even if you can’t yet welcome others with all of your being, God can use that. That is what Naomi learns after shunning Ruth during her journey home to Bethlehem. God is pulling us all toward greater inclusion and community.
Speak, Act… and Listen
Faith without works is dead, the letter of James tells us. So why does a letter focused on action open its letter with instruction to delay speaking and anger and to start with listening, instead?
Livin’ the Dream
Everyone dreams about their future. We hope for the very best. God does, too. God dreams for a time when we will all live in perfect love together, and each one of us has been included in God’s dream to make it happen.
We Are Perfectly and Wonderfully Made
Enjoy Lea Gilmore’s powerful Sermon from June 13, 2021, part of Govans’ Summer Sermon Series focusing on children’s literature. Featuring Maurice Carroll on piano.
Leaders Keep Dreaming
Joseph and Julian (our storybook character for this week) are both leaders, and they’re both dreamers, too. Julian’s abuela responds to his dreams with support; Jacob responds to Joseph’s dreams with critique. Christian leaders know that the world will respond with both support and criticism; our job is to keep dreaming anyway.