Sermons (Page 12)

Sermons (Page 12)

Sermons are listed below with the most recent sermons first. See the Sermons menu above browse by date, books of the Bible, speaker, and more. Check back often for updates.

Love Your Neighbor

Wendy Smith preaches on Mark 12: 28-34 and our children’s book for the week, Maybe I Can Love My Neighbor, Too by Jennifer Grant.

What Does it Mean to Be Kind?

In the latest installment of our Summer Stories Sermon Series, Govans member, Carolyn Anewich asks what does it mean to be kind? Using the book, Be Kind by Pat Zietlow Miller as a starting point, Carolyn draws from her own personal experience to show how kindness can transform our world.

Leaders Keep Dreaming

Joseph and Julian (our storybook character for this week) are both leaders, and they’re both dreamers, too. Julian’s abuela responds to his dreams with support; Jacob responds to Joseph’s dreams with critique. Christian leaders know that the world will respond with both support and criticism; our job is to keep dreaming anyway.