Sermons (Page 8)

Sermons (Page 8)

Sermons are listed below with the most recent sermons first. See the Sermons menu above browse by date, books of the Bible, speaker, and more. Check back often for updates.

Stewardships of Virtue and Goodness

We often think about being stewards of material things like money, stuff, or the earth. We also think about being stewards of our time and talent. But, can we also be stewards of goodness and virtue? Pastor Tom uses David’s prayer of repentance as a jumping off point to explore this question.

Doing Hard Things Together Through Faith

The Crossing of the Red Sea is an archetypal story of communal rebirth. It is a story of a people acting on faith together and being transformed as a result. We can draw strength from this story as we face challenges that we haven’t chosen. We can also be inspired to choose to do hard things together so that we are stronger as a community when larger challenges arrive.

100% Responsibility: What It Is and What It Is Not

In our story today, Joseph is faced with almost impossible choices. He has no good options. Yet, in each situation he makes the best choice he can. Each time he takes 100% responsibility for his decisions, never blaming the unfairness of the situation. What does it mean for us to take 100% responsibility for our choices? And just as important, what does it not mean?

Bad News, Good News, and Finding the Blessing

What are we willing to lose to serve God and our neighbor? In this sermon, we continue discussing the stories of early leaders in our faith as we turn toward Abram/Abraham and Sarai/Sarh in Genesis 12:1-9. We talk about all of God’s promises to Abram, as well as the many things God challenges Abram to let go of.

Discerning When It Is Time for One Thing to End so Another Can Begin

The Book of Genesis takes a long time to tell us how Noah decided the flood had ended and it was time to leave the ark. We hear about a mountain, a raven, a dove, and a voice from God. In this sermon, we look at how each of these apply to different ways we discern when it is time for one part of our life to end so something new can begin.

Christian Responses to War

How should Christians respond to war? We will look at the teachings of Jesus related to nonviolent resistance. These teachings call us to do the hard work of studying and practicing nonviolence in our every day lives. If we aren’t doing this foundational work we will find it impossible to discern an ethical course when war is on our doorstep.

Christian Responses to State Violence Against Its Own Citizens

How are we called to respond when the State uses violence against its own citizens? When Jesus was wrongly convicted, tortured, and executed by the State, does that inform our response? We will consider ways we as individuals can respond and ways we can advocate for meaningful change in US policing.

Leading Like a Christian: Stay Humble

Nehemiah’s enemies return! We’ll finish our summer sermon series this Sunday with a discussion of Nehemiah 13. Even our biggest wins are temporary at best, so how should Christian leaders act accordingly? We’ll talk about humility, hope, and the grace of God that sees us through it all.

Leading Like a Christian: Leaders Make Mistakes

Even Christian leaders make mistakes. What do we do about that? Pastor Billy continues his five-part series on Christian leadership this Sunday. Throughout this series, we are using the books of Ezra and Nehemiah from the Hebrew Bible as guides for how we can be faithful leaders in this moment. On Sunday, July 24, Pastor Billy preached on Ezra 10 and some of the mistakes that Ezra made. You’re invited to read through both of these books this summer as…